Hi, I'm Kevin Black

I build websites for a living.

I have been working with the web since 2010. Here's where I did it.

  • Bounteous

    Lead Marketing Developer

    Jul 2022 to Dec 2024

    Build and maintain the marketing website for Bounteous, using Drupal, Gatsby, and React. Collaborate with a team of designers, developers, and marketers to build lead-generation and talent acquisition capabilities for the website. Work with innovation team to build immersive experiences using generative AI to initiate connections at trade shows and events.

    • ReactJS
    • Drupal
    • GatsbyJS
    • SCSS
    • Twig
    • Javascript
    • Framer Motion
    • Algolia

    Bounteous projects

    Site megamenu

    Conceptualized and built a dropdown navigation using React to be used throughout bounteous.com's partially decoupled website. Used Motion to orchestrate animations, and integrated VWO to personalize the related content in one dropdown. Extrapolated a design for mobile without assistance from design.

    Careers page banner

    Implemented interactive automatic scrolling banner for careers page using Framer Motion per specs for the website careers page. Also integrated a typewriter animation to scroll through multiple phrases, and included a search bar to find jobs by title or taxonomy from multiple external career site APIs.

    Screenshot of a case study on bounteous.com

    Client work redesign

    Worked with the design team to implement large-scale design changes to the bounteous.com client work pages. Shortly afterward, collaborated with the design team to suggest suggestions for the banner which could accommodate non-branded client work, facilitating a website merge project with many non-branded case studies to import.

    Search bar functionality and animation

    Worked with the design team to implement Algolia search on the bounteous.com website. Informed some design decisions for the look and feel of the search bar and the search page, and created animations for design to provide feedback on during the creative process.

  • 3D Systems

    Senior Web Developer

    Jan 2016 to Jul 2022

    Administrate and develop the front end and editing interface for 3dsystems.com, 3D Systems' marketing website (Built with Drupal 8). Built a custom theme for the site using Paragraphs as a component-building tool to allow for rapid page creation by marketers without web development experience. Wrote documentation and onboarded users to empower the 3D Systems marketing team to launch campaigns and content without developer interventions.

    • Drupal
    • SCSS
    • Twig
    • Javascript
    • Algolia
    • jQuery
    • Smartling Translation
    • Personalization

    3D Systems projects

    Industry-focused Navigation

    At 3D Systems, leadership came to us with a request to make the site feel like each industry had its own version of the website. Since we had a small team not capable of creating and managing dozens of pages of content for each industry, we created a new navigation that allowed industry selection to stick with a user throughout their experience on 3dsystems.com. When a user clicked on an industry in the navigation, a specialized navigation with links to pertinent data for that industry would follow the user around wherever they went until they signaled intent to either return to the homepage or visit a new industry.

    Multilingual support

    Implemented and managed semi-automated multilingual support for seven languages on 3dsystems.com, using Smartling translation management integrated into Drupal.

  • Cubify

    Web Designer and Developer

    Dec 2013 to Dec 2015

    Designed and developed content for the website of Cubify, a subsidiary of 3D Systems. Cubify was an online store to purchase 3D printers, and 3D scanners, as well as a community to share and download 3D models. Wrote HTML, CSS, and Javascript for all areas of the website, and designed several page layouts and components.

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • jQuery
    • Photoshop
    • UI/UX Design
    • e-Commerce
  • Couto Solutions

    Lead Web Designer

    Dec 2010 to Dec 2013

    Designed and Implemented large-scale social networks for companies that use the Telligent community platform. Work with HTML, CSS, jQuery, and Velocity to solve problems and make customers' communities look great. Collaborated with the Couto Solutions team to design and implement building blocks which could be purchased by Telligent Community website managers such as enhanced capabilities for their blog and events.

    • UI/UX Design
    • Photoshop
    • HTML
    • Javascript
    • jQuery
  • Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

    Student – Graphic Communication

    Aug 2006 to Dec 2010

    Studied Graphic Communication with a concentration on Design Reproduction Technology. Learned design principles as well as garnering hands-on experience with design tools (Adobe Creative Suite), web development standards, and physical printed media.

    • UI/UX Design
    • Photoshop